You provide Kulsoom Begum and her family with desperately needed monthly food rations
Kulsoom Begum is a night-shift worker at the Fatima Bai Hospital, a project supported by Ehsaas.
She has one son with epilepsy and two divorced daughters and 6 grand-children all living with her in rented accommodation. As the only bread-winner, to meet her and her family’s needs was becoming increasingly impossible and her situation became worse day-by-day.
hrough your Zakat donations, Ehsaas provides Kulsoom and her family a much-needed lifeline by providing monthly food rations.
Kulsoom said:
“The rations we are given has really helped my family. I pray that Allah give the people that gave us these rations more and more and make them very very successful and that they keep helping the poor”.
“The care you have shown for the most needy encourages and makes us duty-bound to accomplish our projects with dedication and sincerity – Thank You.”
Asif Iqbal
Founder & Trustee